Monday, November 19, 2012

And... We're back!

Hey everyone.  So sorry for my absence, but don't worry, I'm back.  Since it has been so long I decided I had better make this post worth reading. It's about time that Michael and I make this announcement...

Yes! We are expecting our little one on May 6th. 

I am now about 16 weeks along and everything is going great.  I have been extremely blessed with a wonderful pregnancy.  I haven't been sick much at all and by the size of my belly you can see that my appetite has only increased.  I know "feeding for two" is not exactly true seeing as how that second person is only the size of a lemon, but I sure do like my food.  And mustard.  I tend to prepare dinners according to what goes good with mustard.  And I have been a little too creative with that; Michael would probably say.  For you Zauggs out there I have been craving those Zaugg pancakes like crazy and have even converted some friends.  If you want to try here's how you do it:  pancakes with peanut butter, a fried egg (yolk a little runny) dill pickles and maple syrup.  Delicious, fulfills any craving!

We went to the doctor on Saturday and were able to hear the heartbeat.  It was incredible.  I wasn't expecting to find out the sex of the baby for a few more weeks, but the doctor said that if it was a clear ultrasound then we could probably find out.  According to the doctor, it is "obviously" ...a BOY!
Here is an ultrasound from my last visit: Little Lemon


  1. You are too cute! You will love having a little boy....they are too sweet. Congratulations, Kiya! Miss you

    1. Thanks Meg, By the way, I started reading your recent posts. Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad you are open to talk about things women need to know but don't usually talk about. You are a super mom!

  2. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Kiya, this is the best news ever! We are both having boys. :) I am so excited for you and Michael. What a cute momma you will be.

    1. Thanks Quette! You don't have much longer before your due date, right? i'm so excited for you too! :)
