Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It is Raining...

I was so in love with the dryer when we moved here, now it is my worst enemy.

Okay, I'm making up with the dryer nowbut it took a while.  I have been wanting some stretchy pants for obvious reasons and finally broke down and bought some.  They smelled like smoke because in the smaller malls everyone is constantly smoking so before I even wore them I had to wash them.  They were a little long and I figured they could do with a little shrinkage.  Well, of course, I forgot about them in the dryer and instead of being smart I was an idiot and set the timer to 60 min.  There they dried for an hour shrinking and shrinking and shrinking.  When I finally remembered they were in there it was the next day and right when I took them out of that cruel dryer I knew.  I put on my new high-water stretchy pants and.... cried.  Yes, I cried over shruken pants.  After I was done crying I frantically searched Pinterest for some miracle 'make my pants what they used to be' treatment.  Luckily I found one! Although they aren't what they started out as, they are no longer pants just for rainy days.  Good thing I am short anyway.  So here's the method I used:

Soak in lukewarm water with a tap full of baby bath wash for about 15 min.  Apparently something about this soap will loosen the fibers in the fabric.

Lightly ring out my hand then lay flat on a beach towel.  Roll up the beach towel to get out excess water.  They should be slightly damp now.

Lay out on a dry towel and start stretching! I came back about every 10 min or so and stretched again.  Let them air dry.

That's where I am now and I think it worked! Al hum dul allah!
Oh, the priorities of a pregnant lady's life.  Gotta have my stretchy pants.