Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Citadel Nights

 Some night life during Ramadan.  You can see the Roman Theater from the Citadel.  It looks pretty incredible at night.  
 We enjoyed an Arab pop performer.  It was mixed company so unfortunately there wasn't much dancing. 
 The temple of Hercules. 
Ramadan has been such an interesting month.   If you go out at night during Iftar (which translated is breakfast... the meal at which they break their fast) the city is practically deserted.  This is around 7:30 or 8pm, or at sunset exactly.  The other night Michael and I walked over to Jesus Falafel (the name of a delicious falafel place) to get some food and all the employees were sitting in a circle on the floor behind the condiment bar eating their big meal.  We stood at the counter thinking one would get up to take our order maybe but they just stared at us, like... "Don't you see we are eating! It's Iftar time, crazy Americans."  
Then around 11pm the streets are packed again.  Everyone comes out.  All the restaurants and shops re-open.  The whole city becomes nocturnal.  Everyone is tired from lack of sleep, food, and water, especially when Ramadan falls on the summer months, so the people who still have to work during the daytime get significantly reduced hours.  Michael only worked 10-3 instead of 8-3 his last week of the internship.  People have said many times that it's easier to fast when you're sleeping. :)

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