Did you know I have a blog! I know, I know, obviously I forgot too.
So here's a quick catch up of what we've been up to the past few months:
We had a baby boy!
Crew Michael McConnell
born May 7, 2013 @ 10:25 am
6 pounds, 4 ounces and 19 inches long
Everyone says, "Oh your life will change so much after you have this baby." And I always thought, "Well, duh." Yes, our life has changed. Michael and I will never be the people we were before Crew came to us. He is a blessing beyond description and we love him more than he even knows yet. He brings joy to our little family and we have loved watching him grow these past couple months. He gave me a big smile on the third day of his little life. (Say what you will, that was no gas bubble smile!) He has been such a smiley, happy boy, ever since.
Labor was long, but delivery went great after he finally decided to get faced the right way. Having a baby in Jordan was a great experience. I would do it again, no reservations! I might write more about the labor/delivery story later.

As many of you know, I was worried that Crew would decide to come after my mom came and went. Alhamdulallah (Thanks be to God), mom's plane landed the same time Michael and I left for the hospital. I am so grateful she was there for it all. Being the sweet mom that she is, she stayed in the background and let Michael be my coach. I am thankful to her for that, but I will never forget that during the hardest part of delivery, she got a cold washcloth and laid it on my forehead. I don't know if she knew, but that is what got me through the rest of the delivery. That is now a precious memory I have of my mother that I will always hold on to. This example is the epitomy of who she is. She encourages my independence, but she will always be there when I need her the most.
Crew was a little jaundice so Nana gave him a little sun bath.
He is growing fast and strong.
"Imma box you outta town!" |
"Jealous of my Buddha figure?"
Michael gave Crew a blessing on May 21
His outfit is a traditional Arab dishdash. Michael's Granny bought it in Jerusalem. It made a perfect blessing outfit. Thanks Granny!
Definitely Michael's boy, ya?
Michael asked me to prom
I said yes after he told me there was a buffet. 
It was pretty entertaining to go to a Jordanian prom night. They tried to make it as American as possible, with the Prom Queen and King. Funny enough, it was hard for the American principal to convince everyone that King Abdulla would not be jealous of the Prom King, and no harm would be done by crowning high-schoolers as "royalty."
We went desert castle hopping
This is Ajloon Castle in the North. I forget we are in a desert when we head this way; it is so green and beautiful. The hills are covered with groves of olive trees, and grape orchards. This fortress was built by one of Saladin's general between 1184 and 1188.
Here's my little Bedouin baby
We took a drive down to explore the ancient Crusader stronghold, Karak Castle:
We stopped at another desert castle that we happened across as we were driving back from Karak. It was just sitting on the side of the highway, waiting to be explored.
We went scoping out ancient mosaics at Umm Ar-Rasas
Of all the mosaics I've seen, these at Mar Elias, the supposed birthplace of Prophet Elijah, have been my favorite. The colors were so vivid.
We also took a few trips downtown,
or "Wasit Al Balad" aka The Balad. This is still my favorite place in all of Amman.
I could do a whole post on the frightening mannequins of the Balad.
One of the oldest mosques in Amman.
Oh here are some more sad looking mannequins, in case you wanted more.
Had a blast with the Kearl Girls, Susan and Anna. Thanks to Anna for most of these great pictures.
This is what it looks like during Ramadan right before sunset. Empty and closed!
Loving our "changed" life
No matter how tired we may be :)
We are loving life out here in Jordan and are so grateful for this experience. We are staying busy and learning lots, although we do miss our friends and family. Thank you to all our supporters out there, you are why I finally decided to get back on this blogging business. Love you!